MHEC Approved Vendor Since 2016
Welcome to the M&K Recovery Group, Inc. MHEC Members Only website!
Here you will find valuable information regarding our services and member exclusive pricing.
By choosing M&K Recovery Group not only are you supporting a local Veteran Owned Small Business, you are also helping to create local jobs and keep toxic wastes out of our environment.
As a certified R2:2013 Responsible Recycling company, it is our mission to make the planet a safer place for generations to come.
Why Recycle E-Waste?
Recycling recovers valuable materials from old electronics that can be used to make new products. As a result, we save energy, reduce pollution, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and save resources by extracting fewer raw materials from the earth.
As a MHEC member, we will pay you for many of the items you recycle, generating and additional revenue stream for your organization. For more information, visit our Electronics & Universal Waste Recycling and Pricing Pages.
Health and Safety
Televisions, computers and most other electronics can contain a host of toxic substances such as lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic. These toxic substances could contaminate groundwater when thrown in to the trash and landfilled. If mishandled, they can also create health problems for workers and the general public. M&K Recovery Group is proud to hold ISO 14001 Environmental System and OHSAS 18001 Health & Safety certifications. For more informaiton, visit our About page.
Many of the electronic devices used today store a considerable amount of personal information. With the right software and a bit of patience, anyone can access the sensitive information. Improperly recycled electronics are one of the leading causes of consumer and business identity theft.
Data security is a major component of the R2:2013 Responsible Recycling standard and a top priority at M&K Recovery Group. For more information, visit our data destruction page.
How it Works:
* MHEC members should first contact M&K to discuss specific needs, logistics, and to obtain a quote.
* M&K will arrange to provide all necessary labor and materials such as pallets, gaylord boxes and containers appropriate for each type of recyclable material. Additionally, if needed, M&K will provide materials handling training to members and their employees at no charge.
* Material is picked up / delivered to M&K. Once material is received, unless otherwise specified by member, it is our policy to follow R2:2013 responsible recycling hierarchy of: reuse,recover, dispose. First equipment will be sorted into a potential resale or scrap category. Equipment for potential resale will be tested and offered for sale if fully functional (all hard drives are removed and destroyed). Non-working or obsolete equipment will be dismantled and recycled at the component level. Any universal waste or hazardous items will be disposed according to regulations and sent to approved downstream partners.
* Within 30 days of receipt of material, M&K will issue a Certificate of Recycling, Settlement report and invoice or payment to the
member. Invoices are payable upon receipt. For member convenience, we can accept cash, company check, Master Card / Visa or PayPal.
Copyright © M&K Recovery Group, Inc. All rights reserved.